Air traffic controller 3
Air traffic controller 3

Since English is the international language of aviation, stateside players will be able to appreciate the level of detail that went into Air Traffic Controller Airport Hero’s conversations. Once players have completed the game’s procession of increasing challenging scenarios, the can use their 3DS’ camera to tackle a myriad more.


Scanning any QR code or landscape creates a random stage with variable weather, times, flights, and scoring conditions. #I AM AN AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE PACK CODE# If players want to save the level, they can elect to use in-game currency or any Play Coins gathered through the portable’s pedometer capability. Just like the game’s objective based mode, players will earn points for each successful commend, ultimately trying to top the stage’s scoring goal. Keeping customers waiting lowers values, making Osaka a tension between speed and safety. What are the game’s weaknesses? Quite simply, pilot AI is non-existent.

air traffic controller 3

Once authorizations are issued, pilots show no autonomy, and will crash their taxing jet right into another craft. Understandably, giving captains independence would have siphoned fun right out Air Traffic Controller Airport Hero, but losing a session due to an obvious and avoidable lapse is equally as frustrating. While pilots can be told to hold their position and routinely stop before continuing, once a command has been issued, there’s no ability to change the order, so even something as simple as switching gates in impossible in Osaka.

air traffic controller 3

Alas, the developers want you to earn the title of Airport Hero- so again, liberties were taken. While Osaka’s, jets, setting, and skies look presentable, they’re undermined by the resolution of the 3DS, turning the artificial island-based transportation hub into a bit of a jag-fest.

air traffic controller 3

Save for a bit of nondescript shore, most of Osaka-KIX focuses on Kankū, which make for a visually stagnant experience.


  • Air traffic controller 3